Saturday, February 2, 2019

LEGO Movie 2 Collectible Minifigures - How to Get the One You Want

The next LEGO Collectible MiniFigure series became widely available on February 1st 2019. I was able to find some at my local Barnes and Nobel but they are also available at Walmart and Target. There are a total of 20 minifigs in this series, 16 from the LEGO Movie 2 and 4 from the Wizard of OZ.

I was fortunate to get to the store early and find a box that had just been opened so I grabbed the 20 packs from the middle row. Based on some early information there were 3 complete sets in each box and each row contained a complete set.

Just to be sure I spent some time feeling the packages to make sure that they were all different. Now this has proven quite reliable for me in the past, it is just a matter of looking for some key pieces that are unique to the minifig you're looking for. If you are trying to get the entire set in one go just make sure you feel different pieces in each bag.

If you want to see me open all the bags and find out if I got all 20 minifigs with my 20 bags take a look at my video linked below. I will also give some of my thoughts on what to feel for so you can find the character you want.

As I said before there are 20 different minifigs in this series. Several are quite easy to find and others take a bit more patience. Let's go through them in order.

#1 - Awesome Remix Emmett

For me the coffee cup is the unique piece for Emmet, you can also feel for the 1X2 tile since he is one of two figures to have one. The hair piece is also unique but I think it is difficult to be sure by touch.

#2 - Battle Ready Lucy

For Lucy I feel for the quiver of arrows. It is relatively easy to feel since it is a smooth flat piece with a right angle attachment. Other things to feel for are the binoculars, which are unique to this figure, and the cowl with the attached goggles.

#3 - Apocalypse Benny

Benny has several unique pieces; toolbox, air-pack, helmet and wrench pieces. By far the easiest to feel is the toolbox with the air-pack a close second. The helmet is tougher to distinguish and the wrench pieces can get lost under some larger pieces making them difficult to locate. You can always find the toolbox.

#4 - Giraffe Guy

It is very easy to locate the large giraffe head in the bag. It is one of two figures with long cylindrical pieces, Crayon Girl has the other. The giraffe head has four bumps on the top from the horns and ears which is much different from the crayon piece. You can also feel for the small plant which is the same one found in the Neville minifig from the Wizarding World minifig collection.

#5 - Crayon Girl

Crayon Girl is another very easy to find minifig. The cylindrical crayon piece is easy to feel and she also includes a 2X2 tile. The Scarecrow also has a 2X2 tile and a cone shaped hat, however, the long crayon piece is very obvious.

#6 - Sherry Scratchen-Post & Scarfield

For me finding the cat narrows down the possibilities quickly. There are only two figures with larger animals Sherry and Dorothy. Rex has a baby raptor but it doesn't have front and back legs like the cat and dog. When you find a large animal feel for the soft mowhawk on the head, this lets you know you have found Sherry. Toto is more blocky and doesn't have the soft mowhawk. Sherry has a more rigid hair piece than Dorothy which can help if your unsure which animal you found.

# 7 - Hula Lula

Hula Lula is one of four singers in this series and they all have microphones. Even though the microphone is small it is fairly easy to feel. I recommend feeling for the round tile that represents a record. This piece is unique to Hula. 

# 8 - Watermelon Dude

This is probably the easiest figure to identify, the watermelon piece is very distinct. When you feel a large triangular piece you have found Watermelon Dude.

#9 - Flashback Lucy

Flashback Lucy is another of the singers with the microphone piece. She is the only one with a 2x3 tile that is easy find. The pony tail on top of her hair was also easy for me to feel.

#10 - Swamp Creature

Swamp Creature comes in a secondary bag which makes feeling his headpiece a bit difficult. The whip is not in the second bag and should be relatively easy to feel. 

#11- Candy Rapper

Candy Rapper is the third singer in the collection so she also has a microphone. The skirt gives this figure away, it is about the same size as the stand so if you feel two large rectangles in the bag chances are you found Candy. She also has a 1X2 tile that can be felt, however, Emmet and the Cowardly Lion also have 1X2 tiles.

#12 - Gon Golfin' President Business

President Business' distinguishing feature is the golf club. It feels a bit like the Tin Man's hatchet but it is much wider at the base and not too difficult to tell the difference. His hair piece is also quite blockey which can help identify him.

#13 - Apocalypseburg Abe

This figure is a bit more difficult to identify. His tophat and beard is a single piece and can be felt easily, however, I think it feels a lot like Rex's hat. I recommend feeling for the bar piece that makes up his axe along with the tophat.

#14 - Vest Friend Rex

The dead giveaway for Rex is finding the baby raptor. It is sort of triangular and feels quite different than the other animals in the series. The hat and hair are a single piece and you can identify it by the dimple or groove on the top. Find both of these things and it's a safe bet you found Rex.

#15 - Kitty Pop

Kitty Pop is our final singer and her distinguishing feature is a guitar. She is in a secondary bag so you may have to feel around a bit more to locate the guitar. However, it is a easily identifiable piece which gives high confidence that you found Kitty. Kitty also has a tail piece that is outside the inner bag.

#16 - Dorothy Gale & Toto

The easiest way to find this duo is to find Toto. As I mentioned above Toto is blockier than Scarfield and doesn't have the soft mohawk on his head. Dorothy has a soft hair piece which also identifies her in the bag.

#17 - Cowardly Lion

The Lion is also in a secondary bag but his tail is outside the bag and easy to feel. Unlike Kitty Pop there is no guitar but there is a 1X2 tile and his headpiece is large and can be a distinguishing feature.

#18 - Scarecrow

The Scarecrow's pointy hat is a good first indicator finding that along with his 2X2 tile is the best way to locate him.

#19 - Tin Man

The two easiest pieces to find for the Tin Man are his bow tie, feel for a ring with some bumps along one side. His axe is also pretty easy to feel through the bag. You can also probably distinguish his oil can hat if you take your time.

#20 - Unikitty

Unikitty is another very easy figure to find. She has several 1X3 plates and bricks which can be felt easily. For me the best way to know for sure is if you don't feel any legs or a torso piece. Unikitty is brick built and not a minifigure.

Hopefully these tips will help you on your quest to find the entire series or the specific characters you want.

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